Trinacria -- Transformational Manifesto
trans·for·ma·tion (trăns′fər-mā′shən, -fôr-)
a. The act or an instance of transforming.
b. The state of being transformed.
What is transformational? The artists in the we @ you me gallery 2014 exhibit agreed to a final event that would be transformational.
What would that look like? How would I make my work transformational? I took this as a literal thing: That I would somehow physically change my art on the wall; that I would put something up that related but changed; that I would transform it.
But I became stuck. I couldn’t see the transformation. I didn’t know what to do
.I have spent weeks thinking about this.
Only recently did I realize that the transformation had occurred. It occurred the second I took the artwork out of my studio and placed it in a public space. It was no longer just my vision. I know what I was thinking while I created this work. I hope that spectators could see/feel that, but I know that everyone brings something of their own interpretation to whatever is presented.
Nothing is observed in a vacuum. Nothing is created in a vacuum.
We live daily with transformation.
Sometimes it is big. Sometimes it is not even noticeable. But it is there.
I wake up and I am transformed. Today will be different then yesterday and different than tomorrow. As with my obsessions, transformations are obvious and obscure.
I know them and I don’t know them.