Kinetic sunlight and drips, Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island, 2019


Alchemy 2019 - letter of intent.

It all begins with an idea. I stole that first line from the squarespace sample. But it is true.

“Alchemy Artists Residency is an Ontario-based artist residency committed to fostering community engagement through the exploration and sharing of art, food and conversation.” My final year thesis for Women’s Studies at McMaster University was titled, ‘Sacra Conversazione,’ or Sacred Conversation. Typically this is an alter piece depicting the Virgin and attending saints in conversation. My thesis was sacred conversations with local women artists in various stages of their careers. It was an eye opening, inspiring and incredibly fulfilling project.

At the 2018 Alchemy residency, we were invited to recall a favourite food memory. Almost every single memory involved family, mine included. In my family, food is very important to us. We all love to cook, share and enjoy each other’s company. It is the way we express love. Every conversation is sacred and laughter one of the most important rituals.

I would like to further this conversation with the attendees at the 2019 Alchemy residency. These would be informal talks about food memories and other food ideas that come up in tangent conversations.

Each conversation would become part of a larger story.

Currently, my work is sacred conversations with small pieces of fauna, approximately 4-6 inches, that I documented while in Newfoundland in 2016 and 2018. The paintings developed from these studies are about 16 inches squares. An intimate study from the outside looking in. 

I spent my week on Toronto Island utilizing ideas and concepts from V Jane Gordon’s book, “The Artist’s Inquiry Book: To work with inquiry method, you must be in the presence of your body. The method allows you to notice, to inspect and to fill your Inquiry Site Book with whatever makes the moment real and permanent” (V. Jane Gordon, Introduction).

I focused on wind, sunlight, and movement happening around me. The following images are samples of the work from the week.

I met some wonderful people during that week and enjoyed many communal dinners and clean up afterwards…