In 2022 Patti joined Alchemy Artist Residency in Prince Edward County. Her plan was to work ‘en plein air,’ (en plein air: capture the emotional and sensory dimensions of a particular landscape/place at a particular moment in time) and it was an opportunity to experiment on canvas with place, light and colour. It would be a continuing study of the ‘terroir’ of PEC and the local wineries.

Patti travelled with a friend and they collaborated for the first time on a single piece of art while continuing with their individual explorations. More can be read in the Residency section on this website, Year 2022.

The works below are Patti’s and inspired by the winery and the remapping of Loyalist country.

Acknowledge ~ Redtail Vineyard

Loyalist Parkway, I, II, III. mix media on paper, 2022

DETAIL - Loyalist Parkway I

DETAIL - Loyalist Parkway II

DETAIL - Loyalist Parkway III

Redtail Vineyard, mix media on paper, 2022

Prince Edward County, mix media on paper, 2023


Alchemy Table Settings 2021


Terroir ~ Broken Stone Winery